230007 Triangular Pyramid (Linear) v1.0


This is the coarsest linear NURBS solid model of a regular pyramid with triangular base (edge L) and height (H).


This is the coarsest linear NURBS solid model of a regular pyramid with triangular base (edge L) and height (H).

Product ID 230007
Published June 17, 2018
Size 390 KB
Product Type Model
Degree (ξ) 1
Degree (η) 1
Degree (ζ) 1
Control Points (ξ) 2
Control Points (η) 2
Control Points (ζ) 2
Control Points 8
Knot Spans (ξ) 1
Knot Spans (η) 1
Knot Spans (ζ) 1
Elements 1


This pack includes all the following files, which contain the control variables and the knot vectors required to produce the NURBS model using Geomiso or any other NURBS-based software.

  •  PDF file (230007 Triangular Pyramid (Linear) Description.pdf, 60 KB)
  •  Microsoft Excel file (230007 Triangular Pyramid (Linear) Control Variables.xlsx, 11 KB)
  •  Microsoft WordPad file (230007 Triangular Pyramid (Linear) Control Variables.rtf, 1 KB)
  •  Microsoft Notepad file (230007 Triangular Pyramid (Linear) Control Variables.txt, 1 KB)
  •  Images (22 png files, 1920×964 pixels, 316 KB)


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