Geomiso TNL (Τ1ΕΔΚ-04288)
- Fund: NSRF 2014-2020
- Research program: Research – Create – Innovate
- Intervention: I
- Round: A
- Submitted proposals: 450
- Criteria: excellence, implementation, impact
- Approved proposals: 183
- Funded proposals: 161 (36%)
- Submitted ICT proposals: 115
- Funded ICT proposals: 35 (30%)
- Rank: 19
- Budget: 200.000,00 €
The research project Geomiso TNL was approved as one of the 161 proposals, which were funded by the NSRF 2014-2020 in the framework of the program "Research – Create – Innovate", and ranked 19th among 115 in the ICT category. 450 proposals were submitted, 183 were approved and 161 were funded. The evaluation criteria are excellence, implementation and impact.
This funding allowed Geomiso to create 4 new jobs for Greek engineers and programmers.
Geomiso SEA (Τ2ΕΔΚ-00328)
- Fund: NSRF 2014-2020
- Research program: Research – Create – Innovate
- Intervention: I
- Round: B
- Submitted proposals: 555
- Criteria: excellence, implementation, impact
- Approved proposals: 276
- Funded proposals: 231 (42%)
- Submitted ICT proposals: 133
- Funded ICT proposals: 51 (38%)
- Rank: 6
- Budget: 265.000,00 €
The research project Geomiso SEA was approved as one of the 231 proposals, which were funded by the NSRF 2014-2020 in the framework of the program "Research – Create – Innovate", and ranked 6th among 133 in the ICT category. 555 proposals were submitted, 276 were approved and 231 were funded. The evaluation criteria are excellence, implementation and impact.
This funding allowed Geomiso to create 4 new jobs for Greek engineers and programmers.
Geomiso DNL (Τ2ΕΔΚ-00338)
- Fund: NSRF 2014-2020
- Research program: Research – Create – Innovate
- Intervention: I
- Round: B
- Submitted proposals: 555
- Criteria: excellence, implementation, impact
- Approved proposals: 276
- Funded proposals: 231 (42%)
- Submitted ICT proposals: 133
- Funded ICT proposals: 51 (38%)
- Rank: 24
- Budget: 175.000,00 €
The research project Geomiso DNL was approved as one of the 231 proposals, which were funded by the NSRF 2014-2020 in the framework of the program "Research – Create – Innovate", and ranked 24th among 133 in the ICT category. 555 proposals were submitted, 276 were approved and 231 were funded. The evaluation criteria are excellence, implementation and impact.
This funding allowed Geomiso to create 3 new jobs for Greek engineers and programmers.
Geomiso ISA (Τ2ΕΔΚ-00703)
- Fund: NSRF 2014-2020
- Research program: Research – Create – Innovate
- Intervention: I
- Round: B
- Submitted proposals: 555
- Criteria: excellence, implementation, impact
- Approved proposals: 276
- Funded proposals: 231 (42%)
- Submitted ICT proposals: 133
- Funded ICT proposals: 51 (38%)
- Rank: 34
- Budget: 150.000,00 €
The research project Geomiso ISA was approved as one of the 231 proposals, which were funded by the NSRF 2014-2020 in the framework of the program "Research – Create – Innovate", and ranked 34th among 115 in the ICT category. 555 proposals were submitted, 276 were approved and 231 were funded. The evaluation criteria are excellence, implementation and impact.
This funding allowed Geomiso to create 3 new jobs for Greek engineers and programmers.